Peri-menopause and insulin resistance

Insulin resistance is characterized by the inability of circulating insulin to effectively regulate the uptake and/or utilization of glucose by insulin-sensitive tissues and organs. The changes in the hormones oestrogen and progesterone will affect how you respond to insulin. During the transitional years of perimenopause (when menstrual cycles slow down but haven’t stopped), these hormones are unstable and will impact your insulin sensitivity. Higher levels of oestrogen usually improve insulin sensitivity, while higher levels of progesterone cause resistance.

As our hormones fluctuate in our perimenopausal years, we may find it difficult to manage blood sugar levels. Any time hormones change, weight can change as our calorie intake and energy expenditure levels are impacted. Women who gain weight during and after menopause can see an increase in insulin resistance. This, coupled with your natural production of oestrogen flatlining after menopause, is a recipe for increased insulin resistance, making you more susceptible to weight gain.

This does not mean every woman going through the menopause has to succumb to weight gain. Firstly, making sure you are eating the correct diet to help balance blood sugar levels can help prevent weight gain; a good resistance training plan and working on improving your sleep quantity and quality can help to improve your insulin sensitivity as well. Additionally, treatment with HRT in early menopausal women has beneficial effects on their insulin sensitivity. Meta-analysis of the available data has shown that exogenous oestrogen confers a significant improvement in insulin sensitivity and a reduction of new onset of diabetes in women receiving oestrogen replacement therapy.

Feeling lost trying to navigate Peri-Menopause? Well we are here to help, we have designed a programme especially for women who are experiencing Peri-Menopause. We give you all the tools you need to help you through this important life stage - from nutrition, exercise, sleep & stress management, your 1:1 coach will help you every step of the way.

Sign up to The Peri-Menopause Programme HERE


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