Can overtraining make your period disappear?

We get asked this a lot and while the short answer is yes, I would caveat that and actually say that your period likely disappears when your exercise volume is not supported by your nutritional supply, it is therefore not so much overtraining  but more a under fuelling and under recovery problem.

Usually when we start to experience irregular cycles/erratic periods it is because we have lost balance in our lifestyles. From poor nutrition, lack of sleep, too much exercise or too much stress all can be elements that can lead to menstrual dysfunction. This has been termed RED-S or reduced energy deficiency in sports (previously named the female athlete triad). In 2014 the IOC issued a statement that the syndrome is the result of “relative energy deficiency that affects many aspects of physiological function including metabolic rate, menstrual function, bone health, immunity, protein synthesis, cardiovascular and psychological health”.

So we may want to look at reducing either the frequency or intensity of our workouts. Ideally we would look at improving our nutrition in general as this is most likely what is leading to the menstrual dysfunction.

Struggling with your cycle? Want to get your period back?

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